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cochlear implants

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Q: Nerve hearing impairment can be best treated with what?
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Where could one find phones manufactured for people with hearing impairment?

Best Buy offer phones for people with hearing impairment. This includes the manufacturer: Clarity, Cortelco, Ameriphone, ClearSounds, Motorola and Vtech.

Do doctors of internal medicine treat nerve problems and depression?

Nerve problems would probably be best treated by a neurologist and depression can be treated by a psychiatrist, a family physician, or an internal medicine physician, but a psychiatrist might be the way to go for depression.

What best describe where transduction of hearing takes place?

the transduction in hearing takes place at the organ of corti which includes tectorial membrane,sensory cells, basilar membrane and the auditory nerve.

What is the animal with the best hearing?

the animal with the best hearing is a dog

What ANIMAL has the hearing?

The bat has the best hearing !!!

How can you correct hearing loss?

Unfortunately, in most cases hearing loss does not improve. However, some types of hearing loss can be caused by problems which may be treated medically, such as ear infections or a perforated ear-drum. These types of loss can often improve. If the loss is a nerve loss, as is most hearing loss, it is not likely to get better. Depends on the cause of hearing loss. If the loss is conductive - ie. caused by a problem with the ear canal, ear drum, bones behind the ear or middle ear cavity, there is a good chance that it could be treated surgically. If the hearing loss is due to changes in the nerves (sensorineural hearing loss) then there is no surgical, medical or alternative treatment that will improve the hearing. An audiologist will be able to tell you if your results indicate that you have a conductive, sensorineural or mixed (both types) loss.

Which animal has the best hearing?

Taylor Mckinley has amazing hearing

Will a hearing aid help people with mild hearing loss?

Yes. It will give them better hearing. (But, speak a touch louder) The most common type of hearing loss is nerve loss or sensorineural loss. Hearing aids are usually the best method for treating this type of loss and can significantly improve hearing abilities.

How do you know a hearing aid is the right choice for you?

Talking to your doctor would be your best bet. They are the best way do discover how much erosion has occurred to your ears. Not everyone's ears are the same and must be treated differently based on your doctors knowledge.

What animal has the best sense of hearing?

it depends what you classify as "the best hearing" but dolphins and bats have the best sonar hearing and owls have the sharpest hearing with one ear hole above their eye level and one below they can pinpoint the vertical positions of a sound source.

Witch animal has the best hearing?

it depends what you classify as "the best hearing" but dolphins and bats have the best sonar hearing and owls have the sharpest hearing with one ear hole above their eye level and one below they can pinpoint the vertical positions of a sound source. :)

What is a best way of saying I look forward to hearing your decision Is it to hear or to hearing?

Looking forward to hearing from you about your decision.