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Q: What is the half life of iodine 125?
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What happens to Iodine-125 brachytherapy seeds after decay?

After decay, Iodine-125 brachytherapy seeds lose their radioactivity and become stable. They no longer emit radiation and pose a reduced risk to surrounding tissues. The decay products may still remain in the body but at very low levels that are generally not harmful.

The half of iodine-125 is 60 days.What fraction of iodine-125 nuclides would be left after 360 days?

Assuming that "half" refers to "half-life", 360/60 = 6 so fraction left = 1/26 = 1/64

What is the half life of radioactive iodine?

The half-life of radioactive iodine-131 is approximately 8 days.

Is iodine -131 a more stable than barium -137?

No, iodine-131 is not more stable than barium-137. Barium-137 has a longer half-life (approximately 2.55 minutes) compared to iodine-131 (approximately 8 days), making it more stable.

What is the half life of Iodine 131?

8.02 days

What is the half life of iodine-129?

Iodine-129 has a half-life of 15.7 million years and is used in some medical applications. Because of its release in nuclear testing and reactor accidents, it is a potent bio-contaminant and can affect the human thyroid gland. Its human biological half-life is about 100 days (in the thyroid gland).

What does iodine 125 decay into?

It decays by electron capture to an excited state of tellurium-125.

How much of an 80-milligram sample of Iodine-131 would be left after 32 days?

After 32 days, approximately 5 milligrams of the 80-milligram sample of Iodine-131 would be left. Iodine-131 has a half-life of about 8 days, so after each 8-day period, half of the remaining sample will decay.

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What isotope iodine iron phosphorus radium has the longest half-time?

Phosphorus, iron, and iodine all have at least one isotope that is stable, and any of these would do for the longest half life. In fact, the radioactive isotopes of phosphorus are all synthetic, so radioactive phosphorus is not found in nature.

Furmula of half-life in radioactivity?

if we start with one kilogram of lead,we will be left with 125 grams of this substance after 6.9 hours , and half-life is 3.3 hours

What is the half life of Iodine 131 after 24 days if .125 grams remain from 1 gram?

Half-life is an inverse exponential based 2 function, such that after successive half-lives, there are 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, etc. of the original sample remaining. From the question, the number of half-lives can be determined by inspection as 3, thus the half-life, if the total period is 24 days, must therefore be 8 days. Confirming, from the NNDC database at Brookhaven National Laboratories, the half-life of 53131I is 8.0252 days, by beta- decay. For more information, please see the Related Link below. Formally, the equation for half-life is ... AT = A0 2(-T/H) ... where A0 is the starting activity, AT is the ending activity at time T, and H is the half-life in units of T.