A hemorrhoid is a swollen vascular structure (full of blood)
An anal fissure is a tear in the lining of the rectum
An anal fissure is a break or tear in the skin of the anal canal. Hemorrhoids are a swelling of the lining of the anus. See the related links to Wikipedia to compare the two.
a hemroid...
paranoid annoyed void Lloyd
Treatment for all hemorrhoids depends on the severity of the hemorrhoid. For a less severe hemorrhoid, the doctor may just prescribe a cream to soothe and help shrink the affected area. For a more severe hemorrhoid, the doctor may do a surgery to remove the hemorrhoid and cauterize the area.
On Anual basis.
yes it dunt make no diffrence ;) yes it dunt make no diffrence ;)
Anual Maintanance Contract
1988, since this year (2009) is the 22nd anual show 1988, since this year (2009) is the 22nd anual show