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Litmus strips estimate the pH of a solution. Ketone strips detect the presence of ketone bodies in the solution. Specifically, ketone strips are more sensitive for acetoacetate and less so for beta hydroxybutyric acid.

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Q: What is the difference between litmus strips and ketone strips?
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Related questions

what effects will the red and blue litmus have when dipped in these solutions acidbase and neutral?

The effects of red and blue litmus when dipped in solutions of acid base and neutral are to show their overall pH. This is caused through a chemical reaction between the solution and a coating on the strips.

What test is done to determine pH?

You can use Litmus strips, which you can buy from a variety of places. TEEHEE.

When strips of blue and pink litmus paper are put in water the paper changes?

The litmus paper changes to green because water has a neutral pH (7) andgreen is the neutral color.

What is the difference between universal strips and narrow indicator strips?

Universal strips will show a wide range of pH values, but the color range between pH values is limited. The narrow strips will show a wider range of colors, but won't show you anything outside the range of the pH paper.

Why do indicators in chemistry change color when placed in different substances?

The indicators which change color is litmus paper strips.

A type of indicator paper that is used to text for acids and bases which comes in red strips as well as blue?

Litmus paper.

Methods of reducing potential difference?

A converter having electrically heatable strips connected in an electrical circuit, and intertwined with non-electricvally heated thin metal strips, having an electrical connection, or anchor, from the electrically heatable thin metal strips to the non-electrically heated thin metal strips, whereby the potential difference between the electrically heatable strips non-electrically heatable thin metal strips is reduced.

What colour does litmus go in battery acid?

Litmus turns red when exposed to an acidic solution. Litmus is red in acid and blue in alkali.

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A Parkway is a thoroughfare with side strips planted with grass or trees. A Highway is just a main road between towns and cities

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Cod is a codfish. Scrod is strips or fillets of very young cod or haddock prepared for the restaurant trade.

What is the difference between a female and a male croagunk in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

the white strips around the abdomen will be higher up when female check at bulbapedia

How will you distinguish an acid from a base?

You can use litmus paper or bromothymol blue and phenol red strips. Use them at the same time and if they turn blue that means the substance is a base. If the strips turn a red or pink color that means it is a acid. If the strips just look like they got wet that means they are neatral.