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Q: What is the desire to sleep more known as?
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What were yuppies known for?

Their interest in status symbols their desire to make more money APEX:p Their interest in accumulating wealth

Who wrote the script for the movie 'Sleep no more'?

The 2009 play known as "Sleep No More" was written by Felix Barrett and Maxine Doyle, with the Company. The 2011 version of the play was written by Punchdrunk.

Will lack of sleep cause heart attacks?

A lack of sleep makes it more likely to have a heart attack or stroke, but is not known to actually cause one.

What dose arouse mean?

1. To awaken from or as if from sleep.2. To stimulate sexual desire in.

What is somnambulance more commonly known as?

Somnambulance is more commonly known as sleepwalking. Another term used for this sleep disorder also is noctambulism. This disorder belongs to the parasomnia family.

What liquor is known to have aphrodisiac effects and can increase sexual desire?

Absinthe is a liquor known for its reputation as an aphrodisiac, believed to increase sexual desire.

What other sleep activities are there?

Sleep walking, sleep talking, sleep eating, and sleep sex are all known sleep activities.

A Little Known Sleep Disorder- Sleep Paralysis ?

Many people suffer from the sleep disorder known as sleep paralysis. This disorder occurs when people are in the REM state, known as rapid eye movement. In sleep paralysis, the individual becomes aware that they are waking up before the body does, causing a paralysis of the limbs. While the experience can be frightening, it is not dangerous, and may last anywhere from just a few seconds to a few minutes or more.