There are no ways to remove marijuana from the human body quickly. The best way to keep it out of a body is not to partake in its consumption.
It varies from person to person, not many people are marijuana addicts simply because marijuana isn't addicting. If someone has a problem with it tell them how you feel. That's the best way I can think of.
Freeze them.
dont smoke then :-)
Leave it unwrapped and exposed to the air ... if you want it to just get stale, the air should be relatively dry. If you want it to get moldy, the air should be moist, and you should keep it in a dark environment.
You can find best pop top bottle and pop top vials for medical marijuana from Dispensarysupply that approved from FDA that good way to store dry herb marijuana .
One must work in a collective or cooperative dispensary agent to distribute marijuana.
- drink a jar of pickle juice
Yes you can. It isn't the best way to go about it bit it is possible.
depends on the marijuana. Kind bud or cannabis (outstanding marijuana, very $$$) will usually stay in your system for about 2-3 weeks. It will keep you high for about 2-3 hours, wearing down all the way. However, there are clean drinks and other ways of clearing the marijuana out of your system. These can be easily searched on, or one way is drinking lots of cranberry juice and taking vitamins and certain pills..... best look it up. Hope this helped! depends on the marijuana. Kind bud or cannabis (outstanding marijuana, very $$$) will usually stay in your system for about 2-3 weeks. It will keep you high for about 2-3 hours, wearing down all the way. However, there are clean drinks and other ways of clearing the marijuana out of your system. These can be easily searched on, or one way is drinking lots of cranberry juice and taking vitamins and certain pills..... best look it up. Hope this helped!
The best way to potentially remove marijuana from your system is to drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and get enough rest. It is also important to abstain from using marijuana. Please note that these methods may vary in effectiveness for different individuals and may not completely clear marijuana from your system.
hi don't know and wish this was a bad website