Get alot of calcium (drinking milk, eating cheese, taking calcium supplements). Getting a proper amount of iron (eating meats, taking iron supplements). Also, using nourishing varnishes on your nails. At most drug stores you can buy vitamin enriched nail treatments. For thin, brittle nails, you can buy nail hardeners. These typically look like clear nail polishes. It's also important not to pick or peel your nails, cutting them with a nail clipper (not down to the root) and then filing to shape is best.
well i have a problem biting them right down and it can be really irritating, if this is your problem and you want to grow them back then you should go to the chemist and ask for this cream which you put on your nails so they taste disgusting. then just keep using that and they will soon grow back to where you want them.
there really isn't a good way all you have to do is leave them alone for a couple months
A manicure and pedicure are a great way to help keep your fingernails and toenails healthy. A manicure can help improve your nail growth, by keeping your cuticles healthy as well as your nails.
The best way to stop biting your fingernails is to put a sour or hot tasting substance on the nail to deter you from putting them into your mouth.
You can try eating you fingernails because your fingernails have about three times as much calories as your hair does. It will pure your blood in about 4 weeks.
If somebodys fingernails are sharper then normal than theyprobably just filed them that way.
Healthy fingernails come from a healthy diet and exercise. If they are discolored they may have fungus or bacteria causing the change in color.
The best way to become healthy is to eat right and get plenty of exercise. There are no real shortcuts.
Fingernails are made of a protein called keratin, and they grow from the base of the nail bed. They protect the fingertips and help with grasping objects. Healthy nails are smooth, uniform in color, and strong.
No, it is not safe to eat fingernails. They can contain bacteria and germs that can make you sick if ingested. It is best to avoid eating fingernails and practice good hygiene by washing your hands regularly.
Stretching and healthy diet
getting the keys out of the sofa
no. the best way to obtain your calcium is to have a glass of milk and eat healthy.