The best way to stop biting your fingernails is to put a sour or hot tasting substance on the nail to deter you from putting them into your mouth.
you can get long fingernails by not cutting or bitting them off.You can also use a nail growth nail polish once a day,every day to keep your nails growing.
Strongly decide in your mind that you can do it and stop bitting your lips. you will feel better that ever.
There are special nail polishes that taste really bad if you bite your nails, but are nontoxic... or.... you can get a really pretty manicure so you won't want to bite your nails
They actually have no bite polish that taste HORRIBLE i used to have that problem so it does work you can probably get it at a drugstore or amazon.
stop smoking
Basically, when you're dead.
You would have to place your finger on its beak and leave the finger on the beak for 30 seconds, or you could let the bird bite you so it will think your not scared of the birds bitting so 'no more bitting fo me!' (might not work for other birds).
Michelle Bitting was born in 1964.
They technically don't ever stop growing.
It means to stop biting your fingernails. "Monkey on your back" is a slang term for any addiction or very bad habit. They are telling you you must get over your bad habit and stop biting your fingernails.
No impossible but the mosiquitoe will die if you do flex while bitting