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Take a nap! And take some pain killers

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Q: What is the best cure for pain while on your period?
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Related questions

How do you comfort period pain?

if you put a hot water bottle to it or have a hot bath, or the best cure is exercise!

How do you cure or ease period pain?

something warm :-)

Certo arthritis cure?

There is no cure for arthritis. There are over a hundred different forms of arthritis and while there are treatments for its control and pain there is to date no cure.

How do you cure period pain?

A hot water bottle or standing against a warm radiator (with your tummy against it) Pain killers Going to sleep Exercise

Can you have period pain if your pregnant?

yes. you can even have your period while youre pregnant

Why is it bad to wax while your on your period?

Some people have low pain threshold during their period. Before a cycle is when your pain threshold is quite low and thus making it very painful. Mid cycle to after a week after your period is when you have the highest pain threshold. Many women don't feel a thing so that's the best time. And also waxing while on your period in the nether regions can be messy if you don't have the right equipment.

When was Cure for Pain created?

Cure for Pain was created on 1993-09-14.

How do you solve period pains?

masturbation helps relieve period pain but only while you are on your periods

Why do you still have endometreosis afetr no period and still get cysts?

You will still have endometriosis whether you get a period or not. There is no cure for the disease. Many women will continue to get cysts for years. A doctor can help prescribe medicines to relieve pain.

How can body pain ac cure?

treatment of body pain

How do you cure joint pain?


Can cannabis help cure medical conditions?

It does not cure, it only eases the pain.