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Q: What is relevant evidence NVQ health and social care?
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How is posture relevant to health and social care?

It is important and relevant to keep a healthy posture as the service user needs to feel comfortable, and welcomed, if you have an opened posture than your less of a threat. If you have a closed posture this can seem defensive and the service user might not want to come to you to tell you about something or ask you about something as, you seem scary to them. Service users of a health and social care environment tend to be very vulnerable, as this is why they have a care worker with them. So posture is very relevant to health and social care!

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How can you identify legislation relating to general health and safety in health or social care?

Legislation relating to general health and safety in health or social care can be identified by researching specific acts and regulations such as the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 in the UK. These laws set out the legal requirements and responsibilities for employers and employees to ensure a safe working environment in healthcare and social care settings. Additionally, consulting with regulatory bodies or industry-specific guidelines can help identify relevant legislation.

What is in the Health Care and Social Assistance section of the NAICS?

These companies providing health care and social assistance for individuals

Relevant theories of communication in health and social care?

People in the healthcare industry should be in constant communication with caregivers, patients, patient advocates, social workers, etc. By having a team of people in communication, patients will receive the best level of care.

What is one the major areas of social policy in the US?

health care

What are the main principles of health and sAFETY act1974 in the health and social care environment?

A safe working environment that is properly maintained and operations within it is conducted safely. Suitable provision of relevant information, instruction, and supervision.

Ethical pronciples of health social care?

Ethical principal of health social care is that is the right thing for us to do. We need to help everyone.

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lessons learned from inquiries into serious failures of health and social care practice

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Give two examples of things relevant to health and safety that are covered by the care standards act 2000

Health and social care?

Physical health is the state of the body and the organs functioning condition.Social care is the relation of an illness in purview of the society and health care I think.