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Health can be a relative concept. It can be relative to other people or groups, it can be relative to different time frames (yesterday, today, tomorrow) and relative to different communities.

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Q: What is relative health?
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How do you add health points in gamemaker?

Use the health action set to relative to add the many you put in, or the simply do this GML code: health+=anything

What is the difference between dynamic health and relative health?

The subjective judgments that people make about their level of health demonstrate the relative nature of health, with our health being relative to others and ourselves over time. Our health varies over time, fluctuating from minute to minute, day to day and year to year. Illness, accidents, personal experiences or environmental factors can move our level of health any number of times during our lives from very well to well, off-colour to ill, very unwell to critically ill and then back to full health. These continual changes in our state of health mean that health is dynamic.

What is health status?

Health status? The presence of biological or physiological malfunction, symptoms, and functional impairment determines an individual's relative state of wellness and sickness.

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It would depend on the relative health and age.

Do you have to pay child support if you rotate keeping your child a week at a time?

That's up to the court which will base its decision on state law, the relative economic levels of the parties involved and perhaps who carries the health insurance that covers the chid.That's up to the court which will base its decision on state law, the relative economic levels of the parties involved and perhaps who carries the health insurance that covers the chid.That's up to the court which will base its decision on state law, the relative economic levels of the parties involved and perhaps who carries the health insurance that covers the chid.That's up to the court which will base its decision on state law, the relative economic levels of the parties involved and perhaps who carries the health insurance that covers the chid.

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Physical fitness is a person's general state of well being and health. It focuses largely on attributes such as functional or relative strength, as well as stamina and good health.

How does weather affect our health?

Weather has a relative effect on our health. When the weather is warmer and more sunny, people are more keen in going outside. This allows for absorption of vitamin D, which is highly beneficial to our health in many ways.

What the meaning of informal care?

It means care from a relative or friend as opposed to care from a professional nurse, caregiver or health representative.

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The natural thing we all receive from Antarctica is the scientific data relative to the health of planet earth.

Why is health dynamic?

Examples that show why health is dynamic? Getting sick is one example. What is the difference between dynamic health and relative health? The subjective ...

What is mental and physical health?

Physical health is a persons physiological condition, relative to 'healthy' individuals of similar age, gender, etc...; this includes all organs including your brain. While a persons mental health deals with one's psychological function and condition relative to those psychologically 'healthy'. One who is physically healthy is not always mentally healthy, and visa versa; although there usually is a positive correlation between a person's physical and psychological well being.

What is the difference between relative poverty and relative deprivation?

Poverty is generally considered to be a lack of money. Deprivation is a lack of opportunity, access to health care, access to safe environments, adequate protection from harm and a lack of resources (e.g. shops and infrastructure).