Perspiration is also called sweat. It is produced when the body is in need of cooling. As the perspiration evaporates, the body is cooled.
Overheating may result, culminating in a stroke.
do you mean perspire? that means sweat do you mean respire? that is like breathing but what your cells do
this is so as the point of sweat is to make you colder when it evaporates off your skin. The fan makes it evaporate faster so you feel cooler and relieved.
The skin regulates body temperature by sweating, synthesizes important chemicals, and functions as a sophisticated sense organ. An example is when the body is over-heating the pores open up and allow the body to prespire.
When you sweat, the sweat evaporates from your skin surface, taking away heat with it. This process helps to cool your body down by dissipating excess heat. Blood vessels near the skin's surface also dilate to release heat and aid in the cooling process.
Basically, if you are right-handed, then the left hand is placed onto the club grip first, and it is to stop the club slipping that the left glove is worn. The right hand is then placed partially over the left hand with only the rignt index finger and thumb actually touching the grip. There would therefore be no point in wearing a glove on the right hand.