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Ozonol is a topical ointment, sold in tubes, made in Canada by Bayer. It's sold in Canada, but not in the USA. It is used for cuts, scrapes and minor burns. It is used to speed healing, and prevent infection. It contains phenol and zinc oxide.

The ingredients give it a stronger odor than such medicines as neosporin; but most people do not find the odor objectionable.

While it has been around for the better part of a century, Ozonol is less frequently available in stores than it used to be; however, it can be ordered, both domestically and internationally, online. Shop around, though: prices vary wildly. For a 30 g tube, some websites are as low as $8.99; others are as high as $27.99!

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It would probably be a good idea to clean it just for precaution. But its very simple to clean, and there's a few options. 1. Simply spray it with an antibacterial spray for example: Bactine. 2. Fill a shot glass with water and 2 pinches of sea salt, stand up straight, place it on your belly and lay down, this will create a suction and then stay there for about a minute and it will clean everything out. 3. You can use different ointments such as Ozonol to avoid infection, you can put it on with a Q-tip. and if you want to be really careful do all three :) Just avoid using rubbing alcohol and peroxide because it dries out your piercing and destroys healed tissue. have fun swimming!

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