You can cover them with ScarZone cream or Ozonol. Ointments are generally the preferred method. Also, there are naturopathic remedies that can help scar tissue heal.
Depends. Some people develop scar tissue and the area looks raised because the scar tissue forms a sort of tunnel. But then again, it could heal pretty flat.
some scars heal over time
In some cases, additional surgery may be advisable to remove scar tissue and restore appearance.
You need to give the previous opening at least 3 months to heal. If there is significant scarring, you may not be able to get it pierced again. Some piercers will not pierce through significant scar tissue.
Vitamin C helps to form a protein that makes blood vessels. Helps to heal wounds and form scar tissue. It also repairs bones and teeth. Vitamin C can also help block some of the damage caused by free radicals.
When the incision healed you got some scar tissue there. And as scar tissue isn't as stretchy as the surrounding tissue it gets uncomfortable when the expanding belly stretches the scar.
First make sure that it was not left there on purpose, as some sutures at left in the body for a specific reason. if it is intended to be taken out ask your doctor to do so as it may lead to infection or a scar or lumpy scar tissue around the wound. best thing to do is to consult a doctor as it differs case by case. In addition because it is a braid, tissue can heal between the braid and it may be harder to remove if it is not intended to be left in and that will cause more scar tissue to form.
i have tingling in my shin on my leg area mt dr. said it could be from scar tissue could this be the cause
put on some lavender oil. essential oils are good for anything that life throws at you. it will heal the wound and infection (if there is one) and leave no traces of a scar.
scar tissue is when you stretch your ears, it makes a scar because you are stretching them. if you let your ears close up, they say that because of all the stretching and scarring, that your earing holes will look like little cat butts. **Scar tissue is formed when ears are stretched too quickly and they tear. Scars forms over the wounds and scar tissue doesn't stretch well so it'll stop you from stretching at some point. Your ears only look like cat butts if you stretch them too quickly. If you're responsible with stretching, they'll heal up nice and smooth and they'll be even if you use plugs to stretch down.
Mederma Scar Cream has many benefits. Some benefits include reduction of scar tissue, erasing stretch marks, and reducing the scarring from minor burns.
Go ask your piercer about it. Some piercers do and others don't. A lot of those that do use a larger gauge needle to removed the scar tissue at the same time that they pierce your navel. I heard that piercing scar tissue hurts more so be prepared :3