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Q: What is one way in which viruses commonly entet the body?
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What is one thing that all viruses have in common?

Something that ALL viruses have is germs and bacteria, if you are talking about the human body. It will also depend what kind of viruses you are talking about (stomach viruses, computer viruses, human body viruses, etc.). Hope this helped!

What are the similarities between computer viruses and pathological viruses?

Many things! For one thing, a pathological virus can take over the body, such as computer viruses can. There are also multiple versions of viruses and pathological viruses. That and they can be blocked out. While computers can use antivirus programs, we have immune systems. ~SwaggaCat

Can a virus hang out for a long time in a body without showing up?

It is possible because there are many viruses that do this. One example is the shingles virus. Another is the oral version of herpes. However, not all viruses stay in the body. It depends on the type.

Can a virus hang out for long time in a body without showing up?

It is possible because there are many viruses that do this. One example is the shingles virus. Another is the oral version of herpes. However, not all viruses stay in the body. It depends on the type.

What are some limitations of antibiotics?

One thing is that antibiotics cannot kill viruses, as viruses are DNA structures which enter the cells in your body in order to duplicate, however antibiotics cannot enter into the cells, and can therefore not stop the virus.

What are the effect of bacilli viruses?

Bacilli viruses are simply viruses that have a rod-like shape to them. Recently, one of the bacilli viruses has become very famous; Bacillus anthracis which is a bacterium that is commonly known anthrax. This deadly bacteria is dangerous because of its ability to produce endospores which is how bacteria protect themselves, giving them a longer life. Many bio-weapons use bacilli viruses and these can kill humans in various ways.

What liquid that kills germs?

One liquid that kills germs is isopropyl alcohol. It is commonly used as a disinfectant and antiseptic to kill bacteria and viruses on surfaces and wounds.

Which of these statements is not trueBiologists do not consider viruses to be living things?

Antibiotics are one method of killing a virus.

How are cells and viruses are the same?

I'm pretty sure they are both a microscopic orgainism found in a human's body. Some viruses are single-celled organisms. They can be parasites that infect a host body in order to reproduce and increase in size which is what can make that host body sick. So a cell can be a virus because viruses can consist of only one cell. The only reason the virus would cause harm is because millions of them can be reproduced quickly asexually and completely invade a certain part/or all of the host body.

Does the word viruses have an apostrophe?

NO, if you typed "viruses'" (viruses with an apostrophe) it would mean "The viruses' (more than one virus's) something.

Why don't mosquitoes get sick from the viruses they carry?

because they take the virus and compltety transmit it to others they don"t keep any virus on their body so they don"t get.another one is that they have no blood of their own so these viruses may stay in their body but they are still dead &they are not on any host.

What do viruses do to cells in the body?

it will eat the cells unlike good ones eat dead tissue (a group of same-cells working as one).