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Bacilli viruses are simply viruses that have a rod-like shape to them. Recently, one of the bacilli viruses has become very famous; Bacillus anthracis which is a bacterium that is commonly known anthrax. This deadly bacteria is dangerous because of its ability to produce endospores which is how bacteria protect themselves, giving them a longer life. Many bio-weapons use bacilli viruses and these can kill humans in various ways.

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useful effect viruses

Is bacilli plural or singular?

Bacilli is plural. The singular is bacillus.

What type of shape is bacilli?

bacilli is shaped as a nucleus

What is the plural form of bacilli?

Bacilli is the plural form of bacillus. Bacilli refers to the class of bacteria that includes the orders of Bacillales and Lactobacillales.

What is the English plural form of bacillus?

The plural form of the noun 'bacillus' is bacilli.

What are rod-shaped bacteria?

Rod-shaped bacteria are a type of bacteria that have a cylindrical shape, resembling a rod or cylinder. They are known as bacilli and can be found in various environments, including soil, water, and the human body. Examples include Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis.

Why do antibiotics have an effect on Swine Flu?

They do not have an effect on swine flu, but can be helpful if a secondary bacterial infection occurs with the flu or after the flu. Antibiotics have no effect on viruses. The flu is caused by viruses. Antibiotics are for treating infections by bacteria, not for treating infections by viruses.

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Viruses is the bad effect of internet.

What are three shapes of viruses?

For computer viruses, they have no physical shape, they are a string or program of codes that are made to effect files Regular viruses have a shape, but they are not needed as they dont effect what they do. Viruses just look like any bacterium, or in a spiderlike form.

What shape do bacilli bacteria have?

Bacilli are rod-shaped bacteria.