Basically a relationship thatis nothelping or supporting, either of two opposing sides
the best salutation for a neutral relationship is Mr. or Ms....never guess if you do not know the individual, it could be an uncomfortable moment....
no, INDIA had a neutral relationship with U.S.But India-Russia relationship is an exorbitance of great friendship
A platonic relationship is a relationship in which there is no sexual intercourse.
For a neutral atom, the relationship between the number of protons and the number of neutrons is the same.
A symbiotic relationship is defined as a close relationship between two organisms of different species. This relationship can be mutually beneficial (mutualism), one-sided benefit (parasitism), or neutral (commensalism).
They are equal.
Personally, I'm neutral on same-sex marriage. What they're doing isn't affecting me in any way.
The U.S. had a close relationship with Great Britain, and the war interfered with trade.
The U.S. had a close relationship with Great Britain, and the war interfered with trade.
"Spouse" is a neutral word to identify the partner in a committed relationship, whether heterosexual or homosexual. So the lesbian equivalent of "spouse" is ... spouse.
The U.S. had a close relationship with Great Britain, and the war interfered with trade.
Bacteria can be commensal, meaning they live on or in an organism without causing harm or benefit. The relationship can be neutral, beneficial, or harmful depending on the specific circumstances.