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Nerves travel down the spinal canal as a thick cord of nerves. Each nerve arises at a point in the brain, and travels down the cord, exits at its determined level and travels down the body to where it is designed to go/operate. If growth of bone (such as in Arthritis) or disk herniation, occurs at 5 o'clock or 7 o'clock, the bone/herniation can pinch (trap) a nerve as it is preparing to leave the spinal cord and travel down the body, resulting in a severe burning pain and possibly muscle cramps if the nerve travels to the spasming muscle (or even numbness). What the radiologist is asking is if you are having pain from a "pinched nerve" at that level, or not... If you're have a lot of pain, burning (or even numbness or muscle weakness) along the expected path of the nerve, then the problem seen on the X-ray explains why you are having the symptoms. If you are NOT having pain, numbness, weakness, etc... then you have nothing to worry about...

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A mild foraminal encroachment means that the space through which the nerves travel is narrowed slightly. The vertebrae c6-c7 are the bottom two vertebrae of the cervical spine, which is the part of the spine which is contained in the neck.

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Q: What is mild foraminal encroachment on the left at c6-c7?
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What is mild left neural foraminal narrowing?

The left neural foramen is where a nerve passes through a bone on the left side. Impingement is crowding. So left neural foraminal impingement is a crowding of that bony passage for the nerve.

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Grade one anterolisthesis of C4 on c5 is mild movement of the c4 cervical disc. This is most commonly caused by a sudden trauma.

What is right-sided mild foraminal narrowing secondary to uncinate spurring?

Mild right-sided foraminal narrowing secondary to uncinate spurring means that the space available for nerves to travel through is narrowed. The reason for this in this case is the uncinate spurring, which are bone spurs shaped like hooks, are intruding into that space.

What is mild to moderate left foraminal stenosis?

Moderate left foraminal stenosis is compression of the cervical spinal nerves that travel through a narrowing of the foramina. Causes of the narrowing include herniated disc material and bone spurs in the neck.

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What does mild generalized broad-based bulging of the disk C5-C6 with slight encroachment of both lateral recesses?

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What is mild bilateral neural foraminal stenosis.?

There's actually 2 separate indications in your Radiology report:Mild bilateral neural foraminal stenosis is a common problem with most people. The Foramen is the spinal opening at each vertebrae where the nerves pass through; stenosis is the term for narrowing, and in this case it's stating that there's foraminal narrowing in the L5-S1 vertebral area, which is not uncommon.The "small tear" is at the posterior (rear) annulus of the L5-S1 disk, meaning there's a small rupture in the rear of the disk membrane.

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