Yes, trazodone HCl refers to trazodone hydrochloride, which is the active ingredient in the medication. Both terms can be used interchangeably.
The shake's main ingredient is milk.
The main ingredient in yoghurt is milk.
Flour ( pasta ) is the main ingredient
Sausage is the main ingredient.
Beijing food does not have a main ingredient. Anything could be the main ingredient. It depend on the food.
Sugar is the main ingredient of candy
Cabbage is the main ingredient in sauerkraut.
The main ingredient in ham salad is ham.
The main ingredient in pasta sauce is tomatoes.
Main ingredient is starch
The main ingredient for biryani is the rice/chavel. OR if the biryani is vegetarian then the main ingredient is the vegetables OR if the biryani is chicken then the main ingredient is the chicken.