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drug synergism is when you mix together two or more drugs, such as wine, beer, pills, crap, and pot. when any of these drugs mix with another you get very high and results could be deathly.

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Q: What is it synergism?
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The clinical trial studied the synergism between hormones and the prescription drugs. Adherents of religious synergism suggest that believers must cooperatively determine their own destiny.

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One term for it is potentiation.

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The most dangerous aspect of synergism is the potential for synergistic effects to amplify the toxicity or harm of substances when combined, leading to unexpected and severe consequences. It can increase the risk of adverse reactions or side effects that may not be anticipated based on the individual substances involved.

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Synergism occurs when two or more hormones work together to produce an effect that is greater than the sum of their individual effects at the target cell. This amplification of the combined effects helps to enhance the overall response of the target cells to the hormones.

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Peter Holly has written: 'The experience of TRIST' 'Symbolism or synergism?'