Ageusia is the loss of taste functions of the tongue. There can be a partial loss of tast which is known as Hypogeusia. I do not know what they call people who have lossed the taste though, Ageusians? Not sure! Loss of smell by the way, just in case you are sadly inflicted with this illness is known as Anosmia, which is technically the loss of olfactory functions in the nose, rendering your body unable to process smell :-(.
There is a condition called "ageusia" where individuals are unable to taste. It can be caused by nerve damage, infection, or genetics. However, it is relatively rare.
A river...
well you cant it is to good guess the poor guy has no chance of knowing
Yes your taste buds can taste mayonnaise, unless all of your taste buds are dead, than you cant taste anything.
Ovbiously that is a silly question to ask because if you cant smell anything then you cant taste your food it is a well known fact!
you cant taste anything at the library all you can do is read a book and listen at other readers
yes it is because it is a taste bud that means YOU CANT TASTE ahaha.
no, you cant touch it, taste it see it or smell it
Twizlers liccorice
They cant smell it but they can taste it
It'll make the taste have a metal taste to it, it will be gross.
A RINO!!! right?