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Q: What is inherited and acquired immunity?
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What form of immunity is acquired through vaccination?

Artificially acquired active immunity.

What are two kinds of immunity?

active acquired immunity and passive acquired immunity

What is the acquired immunity that results when a person has a disease is?

The response to infections is active or cellular immunity. Acquired immunity

Is Acquired Immunity the same as Humoral Immunity?

Actually acquired immunity consists of "humoral immunity" and "cell mediated immunity. Acquired immunity is the same with adaptive immunity, it is when the antibodies are produced within the bodies after the exposure of pathogen. Humoral immunity secreted antibodies while cell mediated immunity involves in production of T lymphocytes.

Is the mothers breastfeeding milk an active acquired immunity b passive natural immunity C passive acquired immunity D active natural immunity?

The mother's breast milk provides passive natural immunity to the baby. This means that the baby receives antibodies from the mother through the breast milk, offering temporary immunity protection until the baby's immune system is more developed.

What are two types of immunizations?

The two types of immunity are natural immunity and acquired immunity. Natural immunity is the ability for the body to fight and prevent illness on its own, acquired immunity needs the help of vaccinations or exposure.

What two types of immunities?

The two types of immunity are natural immunity and acquired immunity. Natural immunity is the ability for the body to fight and prevent illness on its own, acquired immunity needs the help of vaccinations or exposure.

What type of immunity do you get when you get a vaccine?

Tetanus shots protect against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis.

The type of resistance that develops as a result of developing a disease?

Naturally acquired active immunity

Snake bite antivenin is an example of?

Passive Immunity & Acquired Immunity ,

Difference between innate and acquired immunity?

The way in which inherited and acquired immunities differ is in the way the immune system responds to infection. With inherited immunity, the body does not create antibodies that are particular to a specific pathogen unlike acquired immunity.

Type of resistance that is acquired as a result of developing a disease?

Acquired resistance from developing a disease is known as active immunity. This occurs when the body's immune system recognizes a pathogen during infection and generates a specific response to combat it. The immune memory developed during this process helps protect against future encounters with the same pathogen.