great hygiene of ear-eye-nose-throat
especially keeping fingers out of such
not just during flu season always
bacteria/virus thrive on fingers
great hygiene of ear-eye-nose-throat especially keeping fingers out of such not just during flu season always bacteria/virus thrive on fingers
Eyes, ears, nose and throat
Eye, ear, nose, throat
ENT specialist
Here, T stands for 'throat'
There are only two types of hygiene. These two types of hygiene are categorized as good hygiene and poor hygiene.
Hygiene risk is the risk of bad hygiene in a kitchen and environment
Personal hygiene has to do with hygiene about yourself, clean hands, etc... Enviromental hygiene has to do with hygiene around your work area (kitchen area), rats, mould, etc...
Total hygiene is the target hygiene. In which you get no infection of any kind.
It is not a proper sentence!
food personal hygiene
what are the costs of poor food hygiene