Personal hygiene has to do with hygiene about yourself, clean hands, etc...
Enviromental hygiene has to do with hygiene around your work area (kitchen area), rats, mould, etc...
You make sure you and your behavior are "clean".
Personal hygiene involves practices to maintain cleanliness and care for one's body, such as bathing, brushing teeth, and wearing clean clothes. Domestic hygiene, on the other hand, refers to practices that maintain cleanliness and sanitation in the home environment, such as cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, proper waste disposal, and maintaining good ventilation.
food personal hygiene
Circumcision should be performed in a sterile environment to prevent dirt and germs.
Hygiene risk is the risk of bad hygiene in a kitchen and environment
Yes, there is a a difference between occupational hygiene risks and occupational medicine risks, although there is also substantial overlap. Occupational hygiene risks are risks in the work environment that might impact the health of a person in that environment. Occupational medicine risks include many of those, but also include medical or physical conditions that a person might have that could pose a risk to the health of that person if he or she were to spend time in a particular occupational setting.
Hygiene is a precautionary step taken in order to prevent infections and cleanliness comes next to that.
yes it is used for personal hygiene.
The difference between food safety and personal hygiene is this; Personal Hygiene: Is when you wash your hands(a pain but we have to do it), don't pick your nose and things like that, Keeping us germ free. Food Safety; Is when you cook food properly, wash carrots before you eat them and etc.... Food safety is all about keeping food safe to eat.
personal efforts to practice mental hygiene
the maintenance is a Personal hygiene and the public areas maintenance is a comfort room?.
so you have a healthy life