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Food poisoning is when you get sick from eating bad food. Symptoms:Throwing up,stomach hurting and you are Very Very HOT!

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Q: What is food posioning?
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Related questions

How can you prevent food posioning?

You can cook the food or keep it in the fridge or freezer

What can you do for food posioning?

see a doctor, donot induce vomitting

Who are the victims of food posioning?

Food due to being dirty can cause food poisoning to anyone :D

What protein foods can easily give you food posioning?

Fishy eggs

What can be happened to a person who eats bad food?

You may get very sick, depending how strong of a stomach you have. Depending on the food you may suffer food posioning.

Where do you get a license to cook and sell food at your home?

You can if you want just remember somebody may sew you for finding hair or anything in the food. Also, if that person catch food posioning

Can you get lead posioning?

yes you can

Can food posioning be fatal?

Absolutely, Many variants of foodbourne illness can be fatal, especially children elderly, compromised immune systems

Is paralytic shellfish posioning contagious?


Does a pizza store use the same knife for cutting pizzas?

No they do not it would cause food posioning and everyone would have gotten sick then they would close down.

How do you get cadmium posioning?

Using Mcdonalds Shreak cups.

What is salmonella from draining board?

salmonella is food posioning and i can be cause by many things such as raw seafood or othe raw meats touching foods or plte or utenisals that will be used to eat off