Using Mcdonalds Shreak cups.
A number of things can cause animal poisoning. Things like lead paint, insecticides, chocolate, rat and mouse poisons, gasoline, and much more can cause posioning.
see a doctor, donot induce vomitting
You can cook the food or keep it in the fridge or freezer
Fishy eggs
Uh probably not a good idea to lol no
is a medical condition caused by increased levels of the Heavy_metal_(chemistry) Leadin the body.
radation posioning and other very bad things will happen ...
Food due to being dirty can cause food poisoning to anyone :D
I am recovering from mercury posioning and had candida with mercury posioning and doctors suggested, I not eat peanuts. Peanuts have mold and peanut products. Mold has been known to cause headaches. This is what was told to me so I do not eat peanuts anymore. Good Luck
I am not sure about ink poisoning but you do have a good chance of scoring an infection.