Pulmonary fibrosis is the creation of excess fibrous tissue (scar tissue) in the lungs. Because scar tissue is thick and stiff, it makes it more difficult to breathe and makes it more difficult for your body to absorb oxygen through your lungs when you breathe.
TBP an angle congruent to angle PTB.
A fibroid on the top of your uterus
The acronym PTB is used to indicate an ATM withdrawal. This can be found on the bank statement for RBC bank.
A fibroid on the top of your uterus
cystic fibroid
Permission To Board
PTB means pulmonary tuberculosis. It heals with residual fibrosis.
As you can access any other variable.Plus you can access the fields of the structure, with the dot operator.Plus there is the arrow operator to access the fields of a structure addressed by a pointer.Eg:struct timeb tb1, tb2, *ptb;tb1= tb2;ptb= &tb1;tb2= *ptb;tb1.time= tb2.time;tb2.time= (*ptb).timeptb->millitm= (&tb2)->millitm;
A PTB (Push to Break) switch is a type of switch that is normally in the ON state. When the switch is pressed or activated, it will break the circuit connection and turn OFF the device it is controlling. PTB switches are commonly used as emergency stop buttons in machinery or equipment.
The size of a uterine fibroid is typically described in terms of its largest dimension. So a fibroid that is 9.4cm in length and 5.4cm in width would likely be referred to as a 9.4cm fibroid, as length is typically the predominant factor in determining size.
Is pulmonary tuberculosis 4 a cancer