

What is direct smoking?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Direct smoking is purposely smoking and inhaling the smoke. Indirect smoking is the person near the smoker inhaling the second hand smoke.

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Is passive smoking and direct smoking the same?

No, because passive smoking is inhaling the second hand smoke that Other people smoke and exhale. Direct smoking is when the person inhales the smoke that they themselves smoke. If you have a cigarette in your mouth, that's direct smoke. If you inhale other people's smoke, that's passive smoking.

Is smoking tobacco will kill people a fact?

Yes, many people will die as a direct result of smoking tobacco or by being exposed to the smoke produced by other people smoking tobacco.

Difference between active and passive smoking?

Active smoking is the direct inhalation of smoke by an intended smoker while passive smoking is second hand smoking. This is a situation where smoke is inhaled (from the environment) by non intended smokers. Active and passive smoking are both harmful to the body.

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How many people die in a year because of smoking?

an average of 106,000 people die every year as a direct result of smoking.

How is passive smoking damages lungs?

Indirect smoking, or passive smoking is worse than direct smoke because it is not filtered. Damages lungs by burning away at the little hairs that carry mucous, and by leaving small resin deposits.

Can smoking one cigarette a week cause coughing and wheezing?

Yes; any smoking or inhalation of smoke can cause coughing and wheezing. Second-hand smoke has the same potential to cause coughing and wheezing as does direct inhalation.

What does smoking do to the nose?

your eyes will begin to turn yellow and your nose will burn.... if someone inhales the smoke through their nose it can damage their nose tissues

Does alcohol ans smoking aggravate if diagnose with lupus s l e?

Smoking definitely aggravates lupus. Alcohol does not have that direct effect, but if one is getting a large percentage of calories from alcohol, general health will decline making a lupus flare more likely.

Can cough be prevented?

It is important to identify and treat the underlying disease and origin of the cough. Avoid smoking and coming in direct contact with people experiencing cold or flu symptoms.

Will putting meth in your vagina cause orgasum?

No. It's much more likely to kill you, as that's a much more direct and powerful delivery method than smoking it.

Secondhand smoking worse than smoking?

Secondhand smoking means the passive smoking and passive smoking is worse even than smoking cigarettes.