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I did this many times when I was a young boy. I have bright red hair and thought that girls would enjoy seeing my private parts displayed for them. Most of them did! I let lots of young girls see me naked from the waist down and none of them ever acted as if it upset them. I did let a maid working in my home see me naked and she was upset. However, I told her if she told my Mom I would say we had sex and that shut her up. The most brazen of these exposures was with two around 12 year olds who were out riding bikes. They rode up beside my car and stared in the window at my exposed lower half. Both of them laughed and said Hey my borther has done this and we want too see you get off. I did and they both watched until the final spurt. Then they rode off on their bikes. I quit doing this when I was in high school was I didn't want to get arrested.

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Q: What is different between Men Flashing and Women?
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