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A term used to encompass mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of health is "holistic". A holistic view takes into account all aspects of a person, in wellness and in illness, in living and in the process of dying.

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Q: What is a term used to encompass mental emotional social and spiritual dimensions of health?
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What are the dimensions of health?

There are seven dimensions of health. These dimensions include occupational health, emotional health, spiritual health, intellectual or mental health, social health, environmental health, as well as physical health.

What are the dimensions of health how they relate to wellness?

There are 6 dimensions, Physical Health, Emotional Health, Intellectual Health, Spiritual Health, Environmental Health, and Social Health How they interconnect adn affect each other is pretty self explanatory, for example, if you lack in emotional health, you might be depressed and that will cause you to stay in more which will affect your Physical Health. The key thing you want to know is what these 6 dimensions are, and that none of these components of wellness work in isolation, all six work closely together. If you know that, you'll easily know how they interconnect each other

Mental and emotional health?

Are great to have in balance with spiritual health.

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The six components of health are:PhysicalEmotionalSocialEnvironmentalMentalSpiritualsocialmentalphysicalHEALTH

What is the dimension of heath?

Physical health, intellectual health, emotional health, spiritual health and social health

What is the six dimensions of health?

The 6 dimensions of health are physical, social, intellectual, environmental, spiritual, and emotional. These all go hand-in-hand with ensuring consistent mental and physical wellness. They overlap and affect each other, especially when one dimension is being abused or ignored.

What are five components of wellness?

social health, phisycal health, spiritual health, mental health, emotional health

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What are the four components of health?

Emotional physical social mental and spiritual

What is spiritual dimensions?

The spiritual dimension, its importance to patients' health, well-being and quality of life and its implications for nursing.

What are the examples of the 5 demensions of health?

emotional social intellectual spiritual physical