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A relationship between two people that have consentual sex on a regular basis

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Q: What is a sexual relationship?
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it means your looking for a sexual relationship it means your looking for a sexual relationship

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It is were the boss has a sexual relationship with his/her employees.

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Stop it!

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sexual relationship

What does platonic love mean?

A platonic relationship is a relationship in which there is no sexual intercourse.

What type of relationship can exist between customer and a company?

non sexual relationship

How do you know your in a intimate relationship?

"Intimate" commonly means a consummated sexual relationship.

What is Ethic between man and woman relationship?

A bi-sexual open relationship.

What is the relationship shared between the solar and atom?

the relationship between solar and atom is a extreme sexual relationship

Non sexual relationship?

No dont have one

Small panise affect on sexual relationship?

yes u will get no sexual pleasure whatsoeva

What is the relationship called between a man and woman?

If it is sexual, it is called a heterosexual relationship.