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An individual laying face down is often refered to as laying "prone." This position is most common during sleep, and can also be an intentional position depending on the activity the individual is participating in.

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Q: What is a person lying face down called?
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What position descrbes the body lying on the belly with the face down?

The position where the body is lying on the belly with the face down is called the prone position.

What is the prone postition?

The prone position is lying flat on your front, face down. Lying flat face up is called prostrate.

What is the medical term meaning lying face-down?

Prone means lying horizontal with the face down. Pronation is the action of lying prone.

What does face down butt up mean?

If your face is down and your butt is up, then you're lying down on your face.

Is a person face down in the lateral position?

No, the face-down position is prone, face up is supine, lateral is a side-lying position. Lateral refers to one side or the other. Those in a lateral position will be referred to as lying in a left lateral or right lateral recumbent position.

Is The supine position that in which the body is lying face-up?

Yes, a supine person is on her back lying face-up.

The prone position is a position in which the body is lying face down?

Yes, that's correct. The prone position is lying face down with the chest and abdomen on the surface.

What is and anatomical position for face down?

The anatomical position for face down is called the prone position. In the prone position, the body is lying face down with the back facing up. This position is commonly used in medical examinations and procedures.

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Have them sit down and talk to you face to face.

What is prostrate in medical terminology?

lying flat, face down