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Q: What is a high functioning healthy human being?
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Is 6.9 chorestrol bad?

It is important to keep your cholesterol levels in check in order to maintain a healthy and properly functioning body. 6.9 is considered high and you should speak with your doctor about this level.

What is the High IQ for a Human Being?

There is no universally agreed upon definition of a "high" IQ, but typically a score above 130 is considered to be in the high range. IQ scores are standardized measures of intelligence relative to the average population, with 100 being the average score.

Eating protein for a healthy diet?

There are a myriad of ways to approach a healthy diet. Healthy diet foods can be found in every diet category. A high protein diet has often been considered a healthy option. Protein provides essential enzymes that keep the body healthy and functioning. High protein foods such as eggs, fish, milk and soy should be included in most daily diets Eggs are a low calorie option that provides the body with essential vitamins and protein. Fish is high in protein and contains essential fatty acids that may lower the risk of diabetes.

What is temperature of man is dead?

108 °F Temperature is very high for human being .

What plan is a good healthy diet?

The healthiest diet involves eating fruits and vegetables, and limiting high-fat foods. Another component is exercising at least three times per week to improve cardiovascular functioning.

What factors are being explored to explain the high number of frog deformaities?

pesticides and human culprits

How does staying healthy affect human systems?

because it keeps your digestive system healthy and it can also keep you from getting sick and taking risks like heart attacks high blood pressure and other things that can kill you

Can kids with autism remember?

It really depends. Autism is classified into 2 categories-high-functioning and low-functioning. Some low-functioning autistic people will occasionally forget things, but not all.

What is the high functioning IQ?

If you mean, "What is the IQ of a person with high-functioning autism?", the answer is average or higher IQ. If you are referring to the labels for different levels of IQ, refer to the Wikipedia link below that provides information of the different classifications of intelligence. Reply to first Reply: If somebody with high functioning autism has learning difficulties couldn't that mean they still have an IQ slightly bellow average. I was diagnosed with HFA ; but yet learning difficulties; so my IQ is about 80 or 90. Am I high functioning?

How healthy is chocolate?

Chocolate itself is said to be extremely healthy. The high sugar content found in most chocolate, however, gives chocolate its well-earned reputation for being an unhealthy dessert.

What is the side effects of lime fruit on human being?

There are only positive effects of lime fruit on a human being. Limes are high in antioxidants and vitamin C. They help strengthen the immune system as well.

Is being fit the same as being healthy?

no because if your fit but eat the wrong foods then it can cause a lot of problems in the body like a heart attack or high blood pressure