A bitter pill to swallow is something unpleasant which must be accepted or endured.
A bitter pill is another term for a bitter pill to swallow, something unpleasant which must be accepted or endured.
A bitter pill to swallow means something that is unpleasant, but true or important to hear. Medicine has a reputation for tasting bad, but you take it to get better. It is unpleasant but helpful. "It was a bitter pill to swallow when Jane was told that her son was a bully."
Place a bitter pill at the tip of the tongue to prevent tasting most of the bitterness. as back of the tongue can taste bitter but tip and sides of the tongue cannot taste bitter.
Sharon Bayton has written: 'Planning gain, sweetener or bitter pill to swallow?'
The metaphor for "harsh" could be "a bitter pill to swallow," implying something difficult to accept or endure.
Because a lie is easier to accept than the truth. The truth can be a bitter pill to swallow!
The Bitter Pill - Warrant song - was created in 1992.
You can crush it and snort it, you can swallow the whole pill, you can crush and swallow the whole pill, or you can filter the acetaminophen out and drink the hydrocodone.
Bitter Pill - Siobhan Fahey song - was created on 2002-10-28.
It is a pill that you swallow.
It's possible but the powder inside tastes disgusting and will more than likely make you throw up. If you absolutely cannot swallow a pill then try mixing the powder with food or taking it with a spoonfull of yoghurt. Coffee can also help to mask the vile taste but make sure to make it extra bitter just in case! And remember, follow the guidelines on the bottle.
If you swallow a pill and it accidentally passes into the windpipe, it will undoubtedly feel uncomfortable. You can get the pill out by coughing it up.