There is nothing found by the name of Giambra syndrome. There is Guillain-Barre syndrome which is a rare disease that can cause weakness and even paralysis.
Joey Giambra's birth name is William Joseph Giambra.
Joey Giambra was born on July 30, 1931, in Brooklyn, New York, USA.
Joseph Giambra has: Played Jimmy in "Checkout" in 2002. Played Infected in "Battledogs" in 2013. Played Officer Dearborn in "Within" in 2014. Played Executive Coke in "A Grim Becoming" in 2014. Played Doctor 2 in "Recovery" in 2014.
Joey Giambra has: Played Himself - Guest in "Wednesday Night Fights" in 1955. Played Boxer in "The Joey Bishop Show" in 1961. Played Stevens in "Mission: Impossible" in 1966. Played Dakins in "Iron Horse" in 1966. Played Italian Cook in "Hide in Plain Sight" in 1980. Performed in "Tuck Everlasting" in 1981. Played Clifford in "Manna from Heaven" in 2002.
The cast of 90s Babies - 2013 includes: Bryice Bechtel as himself Clement Giambra as himself Lamotta Jackson as himself
Syndactyly is a characteristic of Apert syndrome, Poland syndrome, Jarcho-Levin syndrome, oral-facial-digital syndrome, Pfeiffer syndrome, and Edwards syndrome
Stockholm syndrome.
Syndactyly is a characteristic of Apert syndrome, Poland syndrome, Jarcho-Levin syndrome, oral-facial-digital syndrome, Pfeiffer syndrome, and Edwards syndrome.
XXXY Syndrome and Barr-Shaver-Carr Syndrome are the same.
Cushing's Syndrome
Disorders, such as Down's Syndrome, are caused by nondisjunction.
yes there is.