I have the same thing right now I have no idea what it is. I did have a serious urinary tract infection a couple months ago....... also i read if water gets inside your urinary tract from the vagina or penis it starts to stale... like when you leave a cup of water out a while and it collects foreign objects and will taste completely differant or horrid and possibly smell.... that can happen inside you. I know it sounds gross. the MD site doesnt help at all... Im have spinal pains though v_v
It smells less, but it still smells like urine.
no!!! yuck
It smells like urine. Ordinary urine.
My urine often smells like that but i don't know what it means but get checked out at the doctor's
It smells a little like Fritos or corn chips. It's strange.
It is usually dietary problems, what you eat.
It doesn't, or at least I don't think it does.
All raccoon urine smells like Ammonia just like Cat urine. You can buy raccoon urine as a cover scent for hunting on Amazon and find out yourself.
Maybe. Or you could be dehydrated
it smells like normal peoples but much stronger and heavier
Rat urine looks like what anyone would expect urine to look like. It is a liquid, that can range in color or smell. The colors and smells are dependent on the rats diet.