My urine often smells like that but i don't know what it means but get checked out at the doctor's
no he smells lol like wee wee wit flyspay after taste
Usama Bangash
nah, she smells. of wee.
old dust or cat piss.
smells of wee.
AnswerI LOVE THEM!!!- Firepaw100AnswerThey are very cute and cheap to keep. But they do not live very long and their wee smells.
wee farget James Johnson, and Bruno ick dich.
wee means yes
boys wee wee is the same as girls wee wee it comes out there penis or vagina and it's yellow and smells. yer, boy urine is the same as girls and its not just yellow it depends on if that person has drunk lots of water if they have it will be clearer then if that person has no drank, and it does not smell we in fact it does if that person was bursting for a wee and does not go for ages.
where you put the wee wee pads on your knickers and you wee wee into them its like a nappy
It means that like when a guys wee wee on fire or burning really badly + that could cause death really sad death.
No there is a lucky smells lumbermill, but there is a lucky lumbermill. Maybe Lemony S. just put smells in to make it sound a wee but odd. hope i helped my tinternet palss x