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Talk to your gf and friend before you do anything risky! See what theyre side of the story is.. Dont assume anything to early. Maybe they cant tell see what they say nd work it out will both of them.. If all else fails.. Dump tha chick find a better girl that can treat you write nd love only you! :)

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Q: What if your girlfriend is flirting with your friend?
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What would you do if your friend is flirting with the guy you like who has a girlfriend but she likes someone else and denies flirting with 'your' guy?

That's no friend - dump her.

What can you do if you think your best friend is flirting with you when they have a girlfriend and you have a boyfriend?

First find out if that's the actual circumstances. If your best friend is flirting with you, he's being a little overly "friendly" and should have some respect for who you've chosen.

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If there is a situation where your friend and girlfriend are together and the friend is flirting with the girlfriend then your friend isnÕt a very good friend. If you girlfriend tells you everything then confront you friend about his behavior and decide if you two can still be friends.

How do you ask a guy out if he has a girlfriend?

become a good friend with flirting every one and a while. when they break up then you will will be first on his list.

What should you do if you broke up with your boyfriend and you still like him but he has a girlfriend and has been flirting with me?

Tell him that e has a girl friend and that you already broke up. If you still like him, ask him why he's flirting with you. And why he's doing so while he has a girlfriend. See what goes on then!

This guy won't stop flirting with me he has a girlfriend what should I do please give a good answer?

Ok i got your good answer. He has a girl but he wont stop flirting with you. He obviously likes you OR he might just think of you as a really close friend. He wants a girlfriend. He has one but he likes you more. Hes just seeing if you like him or not. He'll break up with his girlfriend for you but will hang on to her if you dont like him. If you just want him to stop flirting with you, tell his girlfriend about it

How do you know if a boy likes you or is just flirting?

You can talk to him or ask a friend to talk to him for you to find out his true feelings about you. Also, find out if he has a girlfriend.

A story on friends in a restaurant and suddenly boys start flirting to other girl?

That happened to me once years ago. I was out at a restaurant with my girlfriend and her friend and I just was talking a lot to her friend. I think we just had a lot in common and had things to talk about. Later when we were alone, my girlfriend asked me if I liked her friend and I said yes, because I knew I liked talking to her, but I guess that was the wrong answer because I wasn't really attracted to her friend, but they both stopped seeing me. I was young and I didn't know what I wanted, but I didn't want to break up with my girlfriend. I guess when you say flirting, are you sure he is really flirting or is he just talking to her?

If your friend's sister is staring at you but you like her but she is bisexual and has a girlfriend what does this mean?

She probably likes you in return. Try some subtle flirting to find out. The fact she has a girlfriend isn't likely to stop anything, since the friend might like you just as much as she does.

A friend flirting with all the guys?

A friend who is flirting with all the guys may be insecure. Your friend may crave attention and feel that flirting with everyone is the only way to get it.

What to do when your girlfriend talks with ur friend?

It's important to communicate openly with both your girlfriend and friend about how you feel. Share your concerns and set boundaries to maintain trust in your relationships. Address any insecurities or doubts you may have to prevent misunderstandings.

What should I do if My pregnant girlfriend is flirting with Other guys?

You should talk to your girlfriend about it. Talk to her about how it makes you feel when you see her flirting with other guys.