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Martha Stewart

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Q: What happy homemaker says its a good thing?
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Your boyfriend says you always talk about sex so how im i suppose to stop?

this is not a problem. he should be happy. this is a good thing.

What does it mean when he says you are happy and everything is good with us?

It means he is happy and everything is good with you.... ...

What does it mean when your bf says you make me feel so happy?

that's a good thing. that means he's honest with you.........your lucky to have a guy like that!!!!

When a guy you like says he will never hurt you intentionally what does it mean is that a good thing?

Answer Yes, that is a good thing.

When a guy says Nice to hear from you?

He's being sarcastic ---------------------------- Or just normally/politely pleasant, don't read anything into it. It could mean he is really happy to hear from you! My interest says that to me all the time and he also says hope to hear from you soon. It's a good thing!

What do you say when a guy says What is good with you?

he is asking if you are happy the way things are in general

Is it good when a girl says you make them laugh and that you're cute?

my opinion is that it is a good thing

What does it mean when a girls says its everything except you?

not usually a good thing

What does it mean if someone says I hate you and you'll never amount to anything?

It probably says more about the person saying it than about you. A happy settled person would not think or say such a thing!

Who is the black woman in the commercial who says... we're going to be very very good friends?

No she says we're going to be very very happy together

What makes Taylor Swift special?

She says many times in her interviews that playing music, being with the people she loves (family and friends), being at a concert, and doing good make her happy. I guess she lives on the happiness of others, and if that makes her happy, then that is a noble thing. Go taylor!!

What does the bible say about a woman chasing after a man?

It says a man that find a wife find a good thing not a woman that find a man find a good thing