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basically it messes you up

just erlier me and my friend where inhaling deadorant or as we call it ''gassing''. and i freaked out or started to trip or what ever you want to call it. what was happening was there is a dart board on my wall and it began to look like a cartoon and started to spin around. i began to tell my friend what was happening and i could her my voice and it was in slow motion i said ''woa what the f**k ,somethings up with my voice man, hello hello [shouting now] hello, what the f**k'' i then cant remember anything and came around, my friend was standing up staring at me with his hand on his mouth scared and said ''man are u alryt '' i said ''aye man did you hear my voice there that was f****d up'' he said ''there was nothing wrong with your voice lad you just started lookin at the roof with your hands on your head saying don't do it man don't do it and then started crying and breathing really fast and then you put your hands out in front of you and your hands were pure locked up and not moving just crying man it was proper f****d up man i thought u were dying ''. it was a relly bad trip. i advise you don't inhale deoderant. but i got to say it is a really good hit.

Dan Bingley:

I call it 'tooting deodorant' basically its where you put something over the top of a deodorant can e.g. a peice of clothing.....and spray and inhale through what you have on top of it, its good for a buzz and if done enough it causes mad illusionations, it puts you into your own kinda world and gives you a good feeling while doing it but isn't good afterwards.

Ive had illusionations of being somewhere else flying upwards to the sky or sat somewhere or that i was being used for information from the Koreans :P ive done it alot of times and had alot of different illusionations...some are funny and some f**k your head up.

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13y ago
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16y ago

it makes you feel lighted head and can cause servera damaged 2 ur brain it makes you feel lighted head and can cause servera damaged 2 ur brain

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12y ago

well when i sometimes breathe in deodorant it makes me really crazy and i cannot stop laughing, its scary, but it might not happen to you!

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