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well... people who have a low weight risk having problems like: ~ anemia and nutrient deficiencies ~ bone loss and oserporosis ~ heart irregularities and blood vessel diseases ~ amenorrhea (irregular periods/ loss of periods) ~ increased vunerablility to infection and disease ~ delayed wound healing

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15y ago
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8y ago

Being underweight can cause immediate problems to the reproductive system of both men and women. If you are not taking in enough nutrients or if your body is unable to absorb nutrients normally, your reproductive system may not function properly. According to, a lack of vitamin B-12, zinc, iron or folic acid can lead to infertility. For women, not having enough body fat can interfere with the production of reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone.

Osteoporosis is one long-term complication that may result from being underweight. Bones are strengthened by through activities like exercise and walking because you are forcing your bones to carry your own weight. However, if you are underweight, your bones are not bearing a load heavy enough to create the change necessary to increase strength. The reproductive health issues of underweight women can also affect their bone health. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, estrogen helps build and protect bone mass. Low estrogen levels are a common reason for early onset osteoporosis

According to the UK National Health system, your body's immune system cannot function at its peak if you are underweight. This leaves you more susceptible to cold or flu viruses and will make it more difficult to beat an illness if you do get sick. Do your best to make sure you are getting the nutrients that play important roles in your immune function, such as vitamin C and iron.

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14y ago

Being underweight can cause health risks such as Infertility, Type 1 Diabetes, Porous bones and Anemia plus many other illnesses and health risks.

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14y ago

If you are underweight then you can become mall nourished and not get enough vitamins

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12y ago

Eat a banana

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Q: What happens when you are underweight?
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It depends on your height if that is underweight or overweight.

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Approximately 1.7% of U.S. adults are underweight.

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There is no such thing as an underweight lab; this is a trick question.

Is it bad to be underweight?

Yes and no. If you are underweight and not healthy, then that's a problem. If you are healthy and have no issues according to your doctor, being underweight shouldn't be a problem. I am underweight by twenty pounds, and I have no issues besides ability to fight colds, but hey, don't we all?

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Being underweight is bad...... (Said no man ever)