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Q: What happens to your throat when you fall asleep with your mouth open?
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Testicles do not fall asleep.

What happens to your muscles when you fall asleep?

They relax normally.

What happens is you fall asleep while a CD is playing?

You will not hear it.

What happens if you fall asleep with crest white strips on?

you die

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You fall asleep with an erection.

How did I fall asleep without knowing?

It happens when you fall asleep, But you are fully aware of your surroundings, Sensitive to light, Sounds and what not. It feels as if your asleep, But you are somewhat paralised from moving, But when you emerge from this, You are semi refreshed.

What happens if you fall asleep while hulahooping the record?

You will brake something

What happens when your legs fall asleep?

The get numb That causes u not to move them

How do you fall asleep with gum in your mouth?

You eather forget that you had it in your mouth and fell asleep. or you could have been reading a book or something and fell asleep. or maybe you were just being lazy and tired and you didn't want to get up and throw the gum away. in a result you fell asleep. or you did it on perpose

What causes arms to go up in sleep?

The restriction of blood to your arm will cause you numbness (to fall asleep). This happens when something is pushing on your veins, either your muscles or for example if you fall asleep on it.

What happens if you drink alcohol after taking cetirizine hydrochloride?

You will quickly fall asleep. be careful.

What is the difference between fall asleep and fell asleep?

Fall asleep is future tense Ex. I am going to fall asleep. Fell asleep is past tense Ex. I fell asleep.