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you would probably die of no energy

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Q: What happens to the body when you have been awake for 3 years with no sleep whatsoever?
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What are the sleep habits of a asanbosam vampire?

they don't sleep they stay awake all night long, and they can stay awake for more then a 1000 years. but they can fake sleep very well and you would never know when they are watching your every waking move.

Why do cats never seem to sleep?

Actually they do sleep, mostly throughout the day and are sometimes awake when its around nighttime. That's why cats live long years since they sleep a great portion of their lives. :L

How often does a cat sleep?

18 hours a day.For example, a 7-year-old cat in human years has only been awake 2 years of its life. It slept 5 years of its life.

What are dog years like?

Every two months is a dog year, I think. And you know how dogs sleep a lot? I have a theory that when they're awake, that's their daytime.

How many days can a human being live without sleep?

* It's not a matter of how long someone can live without sleep but a matter of how long can someone stay awake without passing out. Probably not more than two days. * You can find normal people staying awake for three days. You can find exceptional people to stay awake for 30 days. Some extra exceptional people lie awake for more than 20 to 30 years. * The current record is a bit over eighteen days, but this SHOULD NOT BE ATTEMPTED.

Do dwarf rabbits sleep?

Yes, dwarf rabbits, like all rabbits, do sleep. They are crepuscular animals, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk, and tend to sleep for extended periods during the day and night. It's normal for a rabbit to nap throughout the day, as they require plenty of rest to maintain their energy levels.

Is sleep paralysis dangerous?

Although I've experienced it only 3 times, it is not pleasant. You have no control what so ever. However, it is not dangerous. It is only a state in which you feel the transition from being awake to going to sleep. Same thing for when your about to wake, You fell wide awake, but have no control over your body or voice. I would advise that you not watch too much TV, go to sleep early everyday, don't have too much on your mind, for stress is a cause of sleep paralysis. Now, I'm only 16 years old, but if you have any questions my email is (

Is it possible to sleep for a hundred years?

No it is not at all possible to sleep for a year, to sleep for six months as in the Mahabharatta isnoy possible, nor for a month at a stretch. no, your body needs to be awake so that all the muscles can be exercised, including the heart. and, short of being in a coma, your brain wouldn't allow you to be asleep for much more than 48 hours

What is the throat spray used for Gastroscopy?

if you are under 20 years of age they put you to sleep with a general anesthetic through a needle or they can give it to you in gas which ever you prefer if you can have the procedure done while you are awake then they give you a spray to numb your throat

How many years does a person sleep in their life?

well it depends if you sleep 12 hours every day for 24 years you would have gotten about 12 years of sleep.

Can snails sleep?

Yes they can, infact they can sleep for up to 3 years on end!

What is the longest time a person has ever stayed awake?

The longest recorded time a person has stayed awake without using stimulants is 264 hours, which is just over 11 days. This extreme sleep deprivation can have serious health consequences and is not recommended.