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That depends on your age, health history, and sexual history. Please call your health care provider for information specific to your situation. It may be perfectly normal, a sign of pregnancy, a medication side effect, or a sign of disease.

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Q: What happens if you dont get your period more then two months?
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If you have experienced white mucus in your underwear more than once more than two weeks ago and if you have not had your period yet what is it a sign of?

that's a sign of the period coming either after 8 months since it's beginning or 16 months and that's okay it happens with every girl :) and it will keep happening even when you have the period . so don't worry .

What happends if your on the depo shot for 2months and then have a period?

I was on depo, and I would always get my period 2 months on 2 months off. Until I didnt get my period no more.

What does it mean when you dont get your period for monthes at a time?

There are lots of reasons why you may not get your period for months at a time, in teens this can be fairly common due to hormonal imbalance. If you have gone more than three months without a period it's a good idea to check-in with your doctor to make sure everything is okay.

If you dont have a period for months then have your period for 3 weeks?

This kind of pattern is typical if you haven't been ovulating regularly. If you've missed a period for more than three months before this episode of bleeding, if you have a positive pregnancy test, or if you're in your forties, see your health care provider in the next two weeks. Otherwise, get an appointment for this month.

Can you be pregnant but still have period for more than 3 months?

yes it is possible to have your period when you are pregnant

What happens if girl doesnt have her period for 2 months?

Many things could happen; call up a doctor to check up on her just in case it could be something more serious.

What does it mean if you have period pain two and a half weeks after your period?

The uterus is a muscle. So when you menstruate, it's contracting to push out the sloughed off uterine tissue. Even weeks after your period, you may have spotting or pain. It happens mostly in young women and may be caused by stress. If it happens more than two months in a row, you should talk to your doctor.

Can a girl already 2 months pregnant get pregnant again?

hell no are you a retard? i mean serously you dont even have you period any more it imposible! No, a person can not get pregnant while they are already pregnant. Because the person would stop ovulating and having their period

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The period of limitation is 6 months whereas banks now a days generally accept cheques of not more than 3 months old.

What happens to the particles of a liquid as the lose more and more energy?

they dont move as much

Can the morning after pill make you infertile if you have used it on with in a period of two months or more?


If you don't take birth control can you to stop your period?

No it makes your period more heavy and last longer! Dont do it!