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Many things could happen; call up a doctor to check up on her just in case it could be something more serious.

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Q: What happens if girl doesnt have her period for 2 months?
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If you are a girl this is called discharge. It is natural. This happens 6 months before you start your period.

What happens if a girl doesn't get her period?

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she will find out once her period doesnt come

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Nothing happens seven years after a girl has her period. There's nothing specific about this length of time.

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if you mean when a girl has her period, this happens once a month once the girl reaches puberty.

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If you have experienced white mucus in your underwear more than once more than two weeks ago and if you have not had your period yet what is it a sign of?

that's a sign of the period coming either after 8 months since it's beginning or 16 months and that's okay it happens with every girl :) and it will keep happening even when you have the period . so don't worry .

Does brain damage affect when a girl will get her period?

No. Hormones determine when that happens.

What happens to eggs when a girl gets her period?

it gets hooplaw and i get hungry

What happens when a girl keeps on say ing got to go?

She thinks your annoying and doesnt want to talk to you.

Is it normal for a girl to have discharge for 6 months and no period?

It is possible if you have not started your period yet, you may be fixing to start soon.