You will be less alert, extremely tired and prone to fainting and eventually hallucinations and insanity.
Um your tired.
you fell tired
you start hallucinating
When you dont get enough sleep.
First, you will become extremely tired. You will become very lathargic, and after a long enough period without sleep, you will simply crash onto whatever it is you are on, and your body will force you to go to sleep. Basically, in time, if you don't sleep, your body will make you. you will faint
you get rabies
If you dont get enough sleep, you will be fatigued, which will affect performance.
you will feel cold and you wont have enough energy
yes, if you dont get enough sleep and you get too tired your body cant slow down enough and it's harder to get to sleep. trust me, i know. :D
If you don't get enough sleep you will most likely fall asleep at random times tomorrow...... If you constantly don't get enough sleep you could have health issues
you die.