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The semen is digested and removed from the body like normal food. semen actually has iron and other minerals and vitamins that prevent tooth decay by up to .56%! In a sense, its like eating non-harmful, bad- tasting toothpaste.

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Q: What happen when boy drink his semen?
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Related questions

What happen when men drink his semen?

Nothing. It's just gross.

Is any dicease happen if wife drink husband's semen?

no, because it directly goes to the stomach

Can boys drink other boy's semen?

yea you can... it wont do anything to your body.... and sperm is also a antidepressent

Is it OK to drink male semen?


Do women drink semen?

Some people ingest semen during sexual intercourse.

What would happen if some of your semen entered your skin?

Nothing. Semen on the skin is harmless.

What is boy sperm called?

Boys sperm is called semen. :)

How much of the fluid you drink is turned into semen?


How do you drink donkey semen?

You don't. That's just wrong.

Can a guy drink his own semen?

yes, and without concern.

How do you get good tasting semen?

Drink a lot of fruit juice

What are the significance of Aegean Sea?

To eat pubeidge and drink semen