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In the US, a man wears his wedding ring on the ring finger of his left hand. This stems from the belief that people used to have about a vein that ran from the fourth finger directly to the heart. In Orthodox Christian, and some Roman Catholic and Protestant countries the ring is worn on the right hand.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

you wear it on your left hand 3rd finger for a woman and man

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βˆ™ 15y ago

left hand, finger next to the pinkie

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βˆ™ 15y ago

He wears it on his eleventh finger.

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Q: What hand does a wedding ring go on?
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Which hand wedding ring go?

Left hand ring finger

If you wear a wedding ring and engagement ring on the same finger where can the eternity ring go?

If you wear both a wedding ring and an engagement ring on the same finger, the eternity ring can go either above or below them. Traditionally, it’s worn on the same finger (the ring finger of your left hand), stacked either below the wedding ring or on top of the engagement ring. The choice depends on your preference and comfort.

Do you wear your engagement ring on the right hand?

Your engagement ring goes on the left hand ring finger, then at the wedding you move it to the right hand so your wedding ring can be placed on this finger and move it back later. You can buy engagement and wedding rings that match, but if you have a very fancy engagement ring it is better to have a plain wedding ring.

Wedding ring hand?

Your left hand.

Why do men wear wedding ring on the right hand?

In the US it is customary to wear a wedding ring on the Left Hand.

Which finger is for the promise ring?

you wear it on your left hand on the finger next to your pinky-its your wedding finger. you wear the ring as a promise and it is replaced by a wedding ring when u get wear it on your left hand on the finger next to your pinky-its your wedding finger. you wear the ring as a promise and it is replaced by a wedding ring when u get married.

Why does the ring go on your left hand when your married?

Not Sure, but in Germany they wear their Wedding Ring on their right hand.

What hand do you put a wedding ring on?

all over the world the wedding ring is accepted to be on the left hand but only for the orthodox christians its on the right hand.

Which hand do polish women wear their wedding ring?

The wedding ring goes on the left hand; the finger next to the pinkie. With some Europeans the wedding ring goes on the right hand.

Do French wear wedding ring on right hand?

Yes, French people do wear their wedding ring on the right hand. However, in the United States, people wear their wedding rings on their left hand.

What finger should wedding ring go on for woman?

The ring finger of the left hand. The finger by the pinkie.

How should you wear your wedding ring?

Wedding band first, then engagement ring. The wedding band should be worn closer to the heart, because it is more of a commitment. The engagement ring should not be worn at the ceremony or it can be worn on the right hand and put on after the wedding ring/band. & on the left hand on your ring finger. (next to pinkie)