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Juan ponce de leon did

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Q: What explorer wanted to find the Fountain of Youth?
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Who was the explorer who solided to the Bahamas to find the fountain youth?

who was the explorer who solided to the bahamas to find the fountain youth

Why did Juan Ponce De Leon decide to be a explorer?

he wanted to find the fountain of youth

Why did ponce de leon explorer?

ponce de leon explored to find the fountain of youth, which was a spring that if someone drank from they would live forever.

What explorer searched fo the fountain of youth?

The explorer who searched for the Fountain of Youth was Juan Ponce de León, a Spanish conquistador. He believed the legendary fountain would grant eternal youth and set out to find it in Florida in the early 16th century. However, his quest was unsuccessful, and the Fountain of Youth remains a mythical legend.

Why vasco nunez de balboa wanted to find the fountain of youth?

he wanted to make history

What were Juan Ponce De Leons hopes?

He wanted to find the Fountain of Youth.

What did Christopher Columbus try to find when he wanted to go to India?

i think the fountain of youth

What was Juan Ponce de Leon exploring for?

to find the fountain of youth!to find the fountain of youth!

Which were the main explorations of Juan Ponce de Leon?

Ponce de Leon did most of his exploring in the Caribbean and Florida. He was the first explorer in Florida, which he named. He wanted to find the fountain of youth that he believed was in that area.

What was Juan Ponce de Leon motive?

gold and to claim land for Spain and the fountain of youth

What were the reasons of Juan ponce De Leon exploring?

the reasons ponce de leon went exploring was to find the fountain of youth and the fountain of youth meant if you drank from it you will never get older its true dont say im a lier because its the truth and he never found the fountain of youth

Did ponce DE Leon find the fountain of youth?

There never was a fountain of youth. All he found was Florida.