the reasons ponce de leon went exploring was to find the fountain of youth and the fountain of youth meant if you drank from it you will never get older its true dont say im a lier because its the truth and he never found the fountain of youth
Ponce de leon explored because he wished to find the fountain of youth...
He gave Florida its name.
to find the Fountain of Youth
Searched for the fountain of youth.
Juan Ponce De Leon's wife. Juan Ponce De Leon was a famous explorer who found the Fountain of Youth!
Ponce de Leon Ponce de Leon
Juan Ponce de Leon changed the worled by finding and naming Florida
he use to work for royal court
To be curious and rich because of the gold.
Juan Ponce de Leon was the first Spaniard to reach Florida in 1513.
He was exploring NW Florida, when he died in 1521 from a poisoned arrow from the natives .
to find the fountain of youth!to find the fountain of youth!
He wished to find the famous fountain of youth.
to find the Fountain of Youth
Juan Ponce de Leon explored what is present day Florida and Puerto Rico. During the early part of 16th century, Ponce de Leon was search for gold and a legendary fountain of youth when he landed in Florida in 1513.
Juan Ponce De Leon Juan Ponce De Leon
Juan Ponce de Leon was a Spanish explorer.
Juan Ponce De Leon was self funded.
Spain funded Juan ponce de leon!!